One problem, one solution

In the game of Monopoly, the winner is always the one with the most land.

Insurrections and riots are violent symptoms

of broken social contracts and unfair circumstances, stoking fears in those who feel they have been left behind.

Two-thirds of people in advanced economies are poorer

than their parents, as a result of predictable trends in the distribution of income and wealth.

Private real estate is the catalyst

behind generational wealth that drives the growing economic divide, where being born on the wrong Monopoly square can leave a child with bleak options.

To change the outcome, let's change the game.

Buy back the land through the market

that made it, recognizing those lucky enough to have capitalized on the current system, while paving the way for a more equitable future.

Manage assets by the community, for the community

with transparent grassroots leadership, so the members of the community can direct how those assets can best be applied.

Lease the land at sustainable rates

to members of the community, starting with public servants and especially teachers, to ensure that future generations get a consistently good start in education.

Can you be a game changer?